Feathers, Furs & Scales School Incursions - Reptile Encounters

Feathers, Fur & Scales

There’s sure to be a favourite animal for every kid in this immersive incursion.

Feathers, Fur & Scales

Sugar Glider - Can glide up to 100m from tree to tree.

Feathers, Fur & Scales

Barn Owl - Has lop-sided ears to enhance hearing.

Feathers, Fur & Scales

Mertens Water Monitor - Smells with a forked tongue.

Feathers, Fur & Scales

Saltwater Crocodile - Largest living reptile, can reach 7m in length.

Topics Covered


  • Children will learn about where these animals like to live, how they are similar or different and what they feel like to touch!
  • Discussion is based around body shapes, colour and texture.

Primary School

  • Students discuss living and non-living things. What features help us to classify an animal. Learn about life cycles and how animals and plants are dependant upon one another.
  • What is the difference between predators and prey? How do these animals protect themselves in the wild? What is the difference between an ectotherm and an endotherm?