Animal Adaptations for Secondary School | Reptile Encounters

Adaptations for Secondary School

How have our natives adapted to survive in their Australian habitats?

Students can discover how animals use their ecological niche to seek food, and avoid predation, drought, and harsh environments. By the end of this show, not only will students understand common structural, behavioural, and physiological adaptations to the Australian environment, they will have seen first hand these adaptations in our very own hand-raised wildlife. An exciting and awe-inspiring experience.


Who will you meet?

Say hi to some of these impressive animals…

Our Spiny-Leaf Stick Insects

Spiny-leaf Stick Insects don’t just look like leaves, they also behave like a leaf, swaying their bodies from side-to-side to enhance their ability to camouflage.

Sabrina our Brush-tailed bettong

Bettongs have highly concentrated urine, helping them to conserve water in arid parts of Australia.

Harriet our Barn Owl

Barn Owls are extremely well adapted to hunt at night with a heart-shaped facial disk to direct sound waves to lopsided ears for intense hearing ability.

Rex our Broad-shelled turtle

The most obvious adaptation of a turtle is its shell, which not only protects it from predators because it is hard to bite through, but also looks like a rock.

Russel our Shingleback lizard

The Shinglebacks tongue helps it to smell and taste the air in order to find food, and the blue colour can help ward off predators.

Tiny our Olive Python

Most pythons have tiny holes called pits along their jaw, enabling them to sense if prey is warm-blooded.

Snappy our Saltwater crocodile

Crocodiles possess the strongest bite force in the animal kingdom, with adult males having over 2 tonnes of closing pressure in their jaws.


Curriculum Focus

Adaptations aid survival

Interdependence of species and keystone species

Australian ecosystems

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