Body & Organ Systems | Reptile Encounters

Body & Organ Systems

How does a snake’s digestive system work? How does this differ from mammals? Get up close with a wide variety of Australian animals as we discuss their inner workings. Students will be able to compare digestive, cardiovascular, nervous, reproductive and respiratory systems between different species and form an understanding of how these animals function physiologically. 

Body & Organ Systems

Potoroo - Mammals have a 4 chambered heart.

Body & Organ Systems

Port Jackson Shark - Sharks have a lateral line system to sense vibrations in the water.

Body & Organ Systems

Mary River Turtle - Some turtle species have developed cloacal respiration to breathe underwater.

Body & Organ Systems

Saltwater Crocodile - The crocodile heart has 4 chambers, similar to the mammalian heart.

Curriculum Focus

Understand overall function of an organ system 

Comparing systems in different organisms 

Understanding how organ systems support life processes