Animal Classification for Secondary School | Reptile Encounters

Animal Classification for Secondary School

How do scientists group animals into common features? Why is this even important? Students can learn the scientific conventions for categorising animals into taxonomic hierarchy by getting up close with animals from different phylums and classes right down to individual genera. A fun and engaging incursion for your first secondary school incursion with us as it paves the way for all our others.


A sneak peak at a few of animals students will have fun classifying…

Cheryl - Spiny-leaf Stick Insect

Spiny-leaf Stick Insects of the Order Phasmatodea, meaning ‘Phantom’, have excellent camouflage allowing them to be invisible in their environment.

Kermit & Miss Piggy - Green Tree Frog

Frogs and Toads are the only Amphibians that don’t have a tail as an adult, and are classified in the Order Anura, which means ‘no tail’.

Jasmin - Sugar Glider

The scientific name for the Sugar Glider is Petaurus breviceps, which is latin for ‘short-headed rope-dancer’.

Sammi - Red-tail Black Cockatoo

There are five subspecies of Red-tail Black Cockatoo in Australia. Sammi is part of the Inland Subspecies Calyptorhynchus banksii samueli.

Boof - Frilled-neck Lizard

The Frilled-neck Lizard is a unique and iconic animal because of its frill, and because it is the only species of the Genus Clamydosaurus.

Tiny - Olive Python

Olive Pythons, of the Family Pythonidae, are non-venomous snakes that kill their prey by constriction.

Charlie - Saltwater Crocodile

Saltwater Crocodiles are one of 23 species of crocodilian, Order Crocodilia, which includes Crocodiles, Alligators, Gharials and Caimans.


Curriculum Focus

Scientific conventions

Species identification

Organising biodiversity

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