Adopt an Animal – Your Support is Vital
Adopt an endangered animal today and you can help to ensure its species continues to thrive for generations to come! As we face the challenges presented by COVID-19, our amazing team here continues to look after our diverse collection of Australian endangered animals and continue the mission to create a generation of "Better Humans". Your support at this time is critical to our ongoing work and the care of our AMAZING wildlife.
Here are some of the iconic Reptile Encounters animals that you can adopt
Animal Sponsorship
Our animals need you!!
Just want to give us a little help? You can sponsor any of our wonderful native Australian species by purchasing one of our Animal Sponsorship Packages!
What does it mean to sponsor our animals?
Well, your animal sponsorship will help us provide them with their most favourite food, and keep them happy and healthy!
Here are some of the iconic Reptile Encounters animals that you can sponsor. Also tune in to our Wild Livestreams on Facebook and YouTube to meet many more!
Connor the Barking Owl , Victor the Victorian Carpet Python, Rex the Broad shelled Turtle, Harriet the Barn Owl, Big Charlie the Saltwater Crocodile, Bobby the Freshwater Crocodile, Pete the Pademelon, Bob the Shingleback Lizard, Boof the Frilled-neck Lizard, Jasmine the Sugar Glider, Lilly the Squirrel Glider, Dave the Long-nosed Potoroo, Koda the Woylie, Pano the Yellow-spotted Monitor Lizard, Sammi the Red-tailed Black Cockatoo, Tiny the Olive Python, Tammy the Woma Python, Pedro the Eclectus Parrot, Buck the Brushtail Possum, Fredo the Green Tree Frog, Saffron the Bearded Dragon, Mooney the Grey Headed Flying Fox, Penny the Musk Lorikeet, Puff the Pufferfish, Jack the Kookaburra and many more!
Animal Sponsorship Packages
Critter Carer – $30
Sponsor one animal of your choice
Personalised thank you package from your chosen animal
Fact sheet about your chosen animal
Our Monthly Ambassador Newsletter
Species Saviour – $60
Sponsor the animal group of your choice
Ticket to Open Day (One adult and one child)
Personalised thank you package from the animals
Fact sheet about your chosen animal
Our Monthly Ambassador Newsletter
Animal Ambassador – $120
Sponsor the animal group of your choice
Ticket to Open Day (for two adults and one child)
Personalised thank you package from the animals
Fact sheet about your chosen animal
Our Monthly Ambassador Newsletter
Group Guardian – $500
Sponsor the animal group of your choice
Ticket to Open Day (family package 2 adults 4 children)
Personalised thank you package from the animals
Fact sheet about your chosen animal
Our Monthly Ambassador Newsletter
For more information or to sponsor your animal contact
For every $10 you Donate to us, 10 dogs will be Vaccinated in Nepal, via our partnership with B1G1
Join our waitlist to help shape our new Online Wildlife Learning (OWL) portal, get exclusive updates, and be the first to test it out when it launches.
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