Green Tree Frog | Reptile Encounters

Green Tree Frog

Scientific name:

Ranoidea caerulea

Other names:

White’s tree frog, Dumpy tree frog, Australian green tree frog.


Least Concern

Green tree frogs are green with either a yellow or blue tinge to their moist, porous skin. As they are tree frogs, in order for them to climb and stick, they have hexagonal toe pads that are adhesive for sticking to surfaces. They are one of the larger species of frog in Australia getting to 12 cm, with females growing slightly larger than the males. They are also able to live for over 20 years.

Green tree frogs will consume anything they can fit in their mouths. This is mostly invertebrates, but they have been recorded eating mice, small lizards, smaller frogs and small snakes.

Green tree frogs will live in urban areas, wetlands, forests and woodlands. In some parts of the country you can find them living in and around your house, as well as near water tanks on your property.

Green Tree Frogs are distributed along the north and east coasts of Australia, starting from the North eastern corner of WA down to the south eastern corner of NSW.

Green tree frogs are nocturnal hunters, using their large eyes to locate their prey in the dark. They do not catch their prey using their tongues, instead their sticky hands shove food in their mouth, while their eyes roll back into their head to push the food down their throat.

Frogs are amphibians, which means that a part of their life cycle occurs in the water and the other part occurs on land. The water phase of a frog’s metamorphosis is called a tadpole, in this phase the animal breathes through gills and is a toothy herbivore. As the frog progresses through the life cycle, they become adults and swap their tails for legs by absorbing the tail for nutrients, and the gills are replaced by lungs. In addition, the frog emerges from its froglet stage without teeth and becomes a carnivore.

All amphibians have very sensitive skin; it is permeable, therefore they are able to absorb water and oxygen through the pores. For this to occur they need to keep their skin moist and clean, so every 4-5 days the frog will shed its skin and then eat it for nutrients.