Evolution Multiple Choice Questions - Reptile Encounters

Evolution Multiple Choice Questions

Welcome to your Evolution Multiple Choice Questions

According to Darwin’s theory of evolution, what causes the struggle for survival in populations? 

The similarity of bone structure in the forelimbs of many vertebrates is an example of 

During their early stages of development, the embryos of reptiles, birds, and mammals look very similar. This suggests that reptiles, birds, and mammals

Evolution is

The bird Darwin studied was the            
The process by which modern organisms have descended from ancient organisms with change is called
If the genes of populations become too different then, fertilization cannot occur.
As the level of genetic variation increases, the pace of evolution appears to slow down.
The Peppered Moth of Britain, otherwise known as "Darwin's Moth," is commonly used as an example to demonstrate the concept of natural selection due to the color change in the population from a peppered pattern to a dark pattern and in recent times back to a light colored pattern.
Reproductive isolation is   
When you allow only those animals with wanted characteristics to produce the next generation, you are using      
Speciation is founded on the principle of genetic mutations and     
A population or groups of populations whose members can interbreed and produce fertile offspring is called a       
What is a similar structure in different species that originated in a shared ancestor?        

Which of these is a functionless structure in a present day species that functioned in a ancestral species?

A physical barrier that separates a population causes       

The type of speciation which occurs through geographic isolation is called                      .

Which population is most likely to exhibit an evolutionary response to a change in its environment?

How do we know that the horse and the donkey are not of the same species?

Organisms with favorable variations thrive and reproduce at higher rates than individuals without the variation in what process?
